That is the official page of INTERNATIONAL-SHORIN-RYU-SEITOKAN-KARATE-KOBUDO-ASSOCIATION.COM .You can join us and learn the true Shorin Ryu of Okinawa, We hope you for information write to:
7th kyu
Fukyu gata ichi
Naihanchi shodan
6th kyu
Fukyigata ni
Naihanchi nidan
5th kyu
Pinan shodan
Pinan nidan
4th kyu
Wansu (matsumura)
Naihanchi sandan
3rd kyu
Pinan sandan
Pinan yondan
Ananku ( matsumura)
2nd kyu
Pinan godan
Seisan (matsumura)
1st Kyu
Kusanku sho
1st Dan
Passai sho ( Itotsu no passai -Chibana)
Passai sho (matsumura- Honan Soken)
2nd Dan
3rd Dan
Kusanku dai
Kusanku (matsumura- Honan Soken))
4th Dan
Passai dai (Itotsu- Chibana)
Passai dai (matsumura – Honan Soken)
5th Dan
Kooryu passai
6th Dan
Seisan (kobayashi)
Chatan Yara No Kusanku
7th Dan
8th Dan
Hakutsuro (Kumemura- Seikichi Kim))
If you want to learn and train of the true Sensei with the official Certification ask us the near Dojo in your Country or City, we send you by e-mail the information about it, INTERNATIONAL-SHORIN-RYU-SEITOKAN-KARATE-KOBUDO-ASSOCIATION. We have Dojos all over the World . INTERNATIONAL-SHORIN-RYU-SEITOKAN-KARATE-KOBUDO-ASSOCIATION is your better option
Our Staff
Ben laziz Mouloud 5th Dan
Yakoubi Achour 2nd Dan
Ben laziz Amokrane 2nd Dan
Ben belkacem Smail 1st Dan
Oukaci Kaci 1st Dan
Ben laziz Juba 1st Dan
Ould Ramdane Ahmed 1st Dan
Ben laziz Messad 1st Dan
Ben laziz Boussad 1st Dan
Bruno a. Donati 9th Dan
Oscar Cesano 8th Dan
Julio Cesaretti 8th Dan
Anibal Carallol 8th Dan
Antonio Eiras 6th Dan
Bruno Luciano Donati 7th Dan
Benjamin Baca 6th Dan
Javier Calvo 6th Dan
Victor Arrula 4th Dan
Javier Arrula 4th Dan
Rogelio Buscemi 3rd Dan
Mauricio Dellagnolo 3rd Dan
Horacio Ferro 2nd Dan
Bartolo Lopez 2nd Dan
Andres Aguero 2nd Dan
Yamil Sat 1st Dan
Paula Algaba 1st Dan
Alberto Ravalle 1st Dan
Dario Giannoni 1st Dan
Jorge Adrian Sola 1st Dan
Sergio Rodriguez 8th Dan
David Alcalde 7th Dan
Aldo Osorio 7th Dan
Victor Juncos 6th Dan
Claudio Roig 6th Dan
Oscar Quevedo 3rd Dan
Daniel Quevedo 5rd Dan
Nestor Zurita 5th Dan
Jose Luis Latapie 2nd Dan
Nicolas Quinteros 6th Dan
Celeste Castro 2nd Dan
Carlo Alberto Acosta 6th Dan
Carlos A. Castro 5th Dan
Daniel Dubnic 5th Dan
Eduarde Paredes 2nd Dan
Ricardo Jaime 2nd Dan
Valentino Zucchella 2nd Dan
Claudio M. Sanchez 1st Dan
Rene E. Gagliardi 1st Dan
Hector M. Angeli 1st Dan
Mariano Rosas 1st Dan
Hector A. Gonzalez 1st Dan
Walter Martins Menezez 9th Dan
Mauricio Petronilio Souza 9th Dan
Mauicio Siqueira 9th Dan
Manoel Rocha Pereira 9th Dan
Jose Gomes de Medeiros 8th Dan
Satoro Ebihara 8th Dan
Wagner Andrè Svaizer 7th Dan
Claudio Souza Melo 7th Dan
Jose Airton de Oliveira 7th Dan
David Valentin Filho 7th Dan
Jose Vlademir De Aragao Santana 7th Dan
Roberto Nunes de Souza 6th Dan
Moises Camilo da Almeida 7th Dan
Reginaldo da Costa Lima 5th Dan
Ronaldo Silva 5th Dan
Luis Coelho Rocha 6th Dan
Sergio Luiz Nogueira Maia 4th Dan
Arnaldo Rodrigues da Silva Junior 5th Dan
Marcionilio Alex Curvelo Santos 3rd Dan
Carlito Martins Pereira 3rd Dan
Julio Basqueira 4th Dan
Luiz Henrique Alves dos Santos 3nd Dan
Bruno Siqueira 3rd Dan
Suellen Garcia de Menezes 2nd Dan
Manuel Caldeira da Silva Filho 4nd Dan
Rodrigo Lopes 3rd Dan
Adalberto Raimondo Medeiros 3rd Dan
Davi da Silva Ferreira 3rd Dan
Helder Andrè dos Santos 2nd Dan
Manoel Pereira Alves Neto 2nd Dan
Luciano Rodrigues dos Santos 3nd Dan
Jose Carlos Bitencourt de Moraes 2nd Dan
Pedro Atanazio de Jesus Junior 2nd Dan
Catia Cirlene De Almeida Brito 2nd Dan
Marcio Jose de Lima 2nd Dan
luis Alberto Lyra de Aguiar 2nd Dan
Alexsandro Bezerra Rodrigues 2nd Dan
Sharley Camilo Naziazeno de Almeida 1st Dan
Thiago Mendes dos Santos 1st Dan
Antonio Augusto Dìas Cruz 2nd Dan
Flavio Ferreira de Souza 2nd Dan
Fàbio Ramos 2nd Dan
Leonardo Da Motta Ribeiro 2nd Dan
Wesley Souza Da Silva Nascimento 2nd Dan
Cleto Marinho Da Silva Junior 2nd Dan
Jorgino Correa Dos Santos 2nd Dan
Flavio Borges Leitao Filho 1st Dan
Cleber Silva De Andrade 1st Dan
Ewerton Jaworski 1st Dan
Fabio Amador Bueno 1st Dan
Flàvio Magalhaes 1st Dan
Josia Alves Bezerra Junior 3st Dan
Alexandre Vinagre 1st Dan
Manoel Pereira Alves Neto 1st Dan
Alexandre Machado Fernandes dos Santos 1st Dan
Paulo Cesar Cerqueira Pereira 1st Dan
Mark Morrison 7th Dan
7th Dan Ali Sabra Abeden
6th Dan Essam Ragab
4th Dan Mohammed Eid
3rd Dan Taher Gamal
3rd Dan Ramy Farag
3rd Dan Amira Saber
3rd Dan Tamer Abd Almageed
2nd Dan Yaser Alkardwsy
2nd Dan Abdelatef Salah
2nd Dan Noora Yehea
2nd Dan Reda Eleayed
2nd Dan Ali Elsayed Ali
2nd Dan Hassan Abdulsalam
2nd Dan Hadeer Mohammed
2nd Dan Ramadan Khaled
1st Dan Hussein Alshlymy
1st Dan Ahmed Mohammed Ali
1st Dan Lamiaa Abdulkhleq
1st Dan Ahmed Abdulkhaleq
1st Dan Amro Ali Mahmmod
1st Dan Amro Mohammed Hamed
1st Dan Shorouk Elsayed
1st Dan Farouk Ali Farouk
1st Dan Ebrahim Ali Farouk
1st Dan Mohammed Adel
1st Dan Mahmmoud Mosaad
1st Dan Nehal Emad Mohammed
1st Dan Ahmed Helmy Fahmy
1st Dan Walaa Helmy Mohammed
Philip Bradley 8th Dan
George Bishop 8th Dan
Derek Lines 3th Dan
España - Spain
Licesio Prieto Blanco 6th Dan
Thomas Zullich 3th Dan
Giuseppe Pavani 5th Dan
Daniela Fregeneda 5th Dan
Stefania Gamberoni 4th Dan
Emanuel Giordano 4thDan
Teresa Parisi 2nd Dan
Manuel Vignola 2nd Dan
Francesco Bianchini 2nd Dan
Simone Pisaniello 2nd Dan
Simone Verza 2nd Dan
Paolo Rollino 2nd Dan
Andres Sacaba 3nd Dan
Edin Saleta 1st Dan
Sudakar B. 8th Dan
S.R.Sureshkarthik 6th Dan
Vimal Kumar Vikraman 6th Dan
Kishore Sudakar 5th Dan
Sudakar Deepika 5th Dan
Sandipkumar Pravinbhai Pandya 5th Dan
Bharath Raj PG 5th Dan
B. Ezhilarasan 4th Dan
Hiren R Kachhia 4th Dan
Mohamed Ishaq 3rd Dan
Hinaben Trusharkumar Shukla 3rd Dan
Divya G 2nd Dan
Pranow S 2nd Dan
M. Shyam Shailendar 2nd Dan
Krishn Trusharkumar Shukla 2nd Dan
Zeelben Trusharkumar Shukla 2nd Dan
Hetal Dinesshprasad Sharma 2nd Dan
Aquib Salim Ahemad Rana 2nd Dan
N, Devprasad 1st Dan
J. Koushik 1st Dan
Varunesh Parthiban 1st Dan
Joe Abishek Lawrence 1st Dan
S. Nithish 1st Dan
Vraj Kaushibhai Shah 1st Dan
Vashishth Manishkumar Upadhyaya 1st Dan
Suwito 4th Dan
Ahmad Riza Gultom 1st Dan
Sutrisno Pujohandoko 2nd Dan
Rahmad Nurhadi 1st Dan
Yudi iswanto 1st Dan
Syaiful Ardhi 1st Dan
Chairus Sabri 1st Dan
Rhino Sofana 1st Dan
Jepri Medrianto 1st Dan
Adharia Saptiti 1st Dan
Hanny Ardelia Cahyaningrum 1st Dan
Rachiesa Yazid Audi 1st Dan
Nurfitria Rahman 1st Dan
Riri Ramadhani 1st Dan
Maharani Zamrud 1st Dan
Harun Hudari 1st Dan
Bambang Andrianto 1st Dan
Dwi Sanjaya 1st Dan
Jordan setiawan 1st Dan
Ali Sabra Abeden 7th Dan
Arnaldo Rodrigues da Silva Junior 4th Dan
Asmita Gurug 5th Dan
Indra Bajracharya 5th Dan
Leonardo G. Beroes 4th Dan
Miguel de Alzaa 4th Dan
Ferdinad Federis 4th Dan
Roman Garcia Paredes 6th Dan
Anthony Paredes 4th Dan
Julio Bocanegra 2nd Dan
Lieteh Castillo 1st Dan
Karen Guevara Diaz 1st Dan
Andres Panduro Grandes 1st Dan
Jesika Garcia Chistama 1st Dan
Domingo Quintos 1st Dan
Puerto Rico
Mario Alejandro Charon 7th Dan
Carlos Rodriguez 4th Dan
Sry Lanka
Sensei Ajith Wasantha Abeygunasekara 3rd Dan
Sensei Ajith Wijethunge 2nd Dan
Sensei Wasantha Munasinghe 2nd Dan
Sensei H. A Asoka Thilakaratne 2nd Dan
Sensei Rasika Gayapriya 2nd Dan
Sensei S. K Karunaratne 2nd Dan
S. M. P Kasun Malaka 2nd Dan
M. K. G Roshan 1st Dan
Ranjan Ranasingha 1st Dan
M. K. C P Kumara
Chinthaka Wijesundara 1st Dan
Charith Wijesundara 2nd Dan
M. L Sooriyaarachchi 1st Dan
Sampath Udayakumara 1st Dan
If you want to learn and train of the true Sensei with the official Certification ask us the near Dojo in your Country or City, we send you by e-mail the information about it, INTERNATIONAL-SHORIN-RYU-SEITOKAN-KARATE-KOBUDO-ASSOCIATION. We have Dojos all over the World . INTERNATIONAL-SHORIN-RYU-SEITOKAN-KARATE-KOBUDO-ASSOCIATION is your better option
Our Staff
Ben laziz Mouloud 5th Dan
Yakoubi Achour 2nd Dan
Ben laziz Amokrane 2nd Dan
Ben belkacem Smail 1st Dan
Oukaci Kaci 1st Dan
Ben laziz Juba 1st Dan
Ould Ramdane Ahmed 1st Dan
Ben laziz Messad 1st Dan
Ben laziz Boussad 1st Dan
Bruno a. Donati 9th Dan
Oscar Cesano 8th Dan
Julio Cesaretti 8th Dan
Anibal Carallol 8th Dan
Antonio Eiras 6th Dan
Bruno Luciano Donati 7th Dan
Benjamin Baca 6th Dan
Javier Calvo 6th Dan
Victor Arrula 4th Dan
Javier Arrula 4th Dan
Rogelio Buscemi 3rd Dan
Mauricio Dellagnolo 3rd Dan
Horacio Ferro 2nd Dan
Bartolo Lopez 2nd Dan
Andres Aguero 2nd Dan
Yamil Sat 1st Dan
Paula Algaba 1st Dan
Alberto Ravalle 1st Dan
Dario Giannoni 1st Dan
Jorge Adrian Sola 1st Dan
Sergio Rodriguez 8th Dan
David Alcalde 6th Dan
Aldo Osorio 6th Dan
Oscar Quevedo 3rd Dan
Daniel Quevedo 4rd Dan
Nestor Zurita 2nd Dan
Jose Luis Latapie 2nd Dan
Nicolas Quinteros 1st Dan
Ricardo Aguirre 1st Dan
Carlo Alberto Acosta 6th Dan
Carlos A. Castro 5th Dan
Eduarde Paredes 2nd Dan
Claudio M. Sanchez 1st Dan
Rene E. Gagliardi 1st Dan
Hector M. Angeli 1st Dan
Mariano Rosas 1st Dan
Hector A. Gonzalez 1st Dan
Walter Martins Menezez 9th Dan
Mauricio Petronilio Souza 8th Dan
Mauicio Siqueira 8th Dan
Manoel Rocha Pereira 8th Dan
Jose Gomes de Medeiros 8th Dan
Satoro Ebihara 8th Dan
Wagner Andrè Svaizer 7th Dan
Claudio Souza Melo 7th Dan
Jose Airton de Oliveira 7th Dan
David Valentin Filho 7th Dan
Jose Vlademir De Aragao Santana 7th Dan
Roberto Nunes de Souza 6th Dan
Moises Camilo da Almeida 7th Dan
Reginaldo da Costa Lima 5th Dan
Ronaldo Silva 5th Dan
Luis Coelho Rocha 6th Dan
Sergio Luiz Nogueira Maia 4th Dan
Arnado Rodrigues da Silva Junior 4th Dan
Marcionilio Alex Curvelo Santos 3rd Dan
Carlito Martins Pereira 3rd Dan
Julio Basqueira 4th Dan
Luiz Henrique Alves dos Santos 3nd Dan
Bruno Siqueira 3rd Dan
Suellen Garcia de Menezes 2nd Dan
Manuel Caldeira da Silva Filho 4nd Dan
Rodrigo Lopes 3rd Dan
Adalberto Raimondo Medeiros 3rd Dan
Davi da Silva Ferreira 3rd Dan
Helder Andrè dos Santos 2nd Dan
Manoel Pereira Alves Neto 2nd Dan
Luciano Rodrigues dos Santos 2nd Dan
Jose Carlos Bitencourt de Moraes 2nd Dan
Pedro Atanazio de Jesus Junior 2nd Dan
Catia Cirlene De Almeida Brito 2nd Dan
Marcio Jose de Lima 2nd Dan
luis Alberto Lyra de Aguiar 2nd Dan
Alexsandro Bezerra Rodrigues 2nd Dan
Sharley Camilo Naziazeno de Almeida 1st Dan
Thiago Mendes dos Santos 1st Dan
Antonio Augusto Dìas Cruz 2nd Dan
Flavio Ferreira de Souza 2nd Dan
Fàbio Ramos 2nd Dan
Fabio Amador Bueno 1st Dan
Flàvio Magalhaes 1st Dan
Josia Alves Bezerra Junior 2st Dan
Alexandre Vinagre 1st Dan
Manoel Pereira Alves Neto 1st Dan
Alexandre Machado Fernandes dos Santos 1st Dan
Paulo Cesar Cerqueira Pereira 1st Dan
Mark Morrison 7th Dan
7th Dan Ali Sabra Abeden
6th Dan Essam Ragab
4th Dan Mohammed Eid
3rd Dan Taher Gamal
3rd Dan Ramy Farag
3rd Dan Amira Saber
3rd Dan Tamer Abd Almageed
2nd Dan Yaser Alkardwsy
2nd Dan Abdelatef Salah
2nd Dan Noora Yehea
2nd Dan Reda Eleayed
2nd Dan Ali Elsayed Ali
2nd Dan Hassan Abdulsalam
2nd Dan Hadeer Mohammed
2nd Dan Ramadan Khaled
1st Dan Hussein Alshlymy
1st Dan Ahmed Mohammed Ali
1st Dan Lamiaa Abdulkhleq
1st Dan Ahmed Abdulkhaleq
1st Dan Amro Ali Mahmmod
1st Dan Amro Mohammed Hamed
1st Dan Shorouk Elsayed
1st Dan Farouk Ali Farouk
1st Dan Ebrahim Ali Farouk
1st Dan Mohammed Adel
1st Dan Mahmmoud Mosaad
1st Dan Nehal Emad Mohammed
1st Dan Ahmed Helmy Fahmy
1st Dan Walaa Helmy Mohammed
Philip Bradley 8th Dan
George Bishop 8th Dan
Derek Lines 3th Dan
España - Spain
Licesio Prieto Blanco 6th Dan
Thomas Zullich 3th Dan
Enrique Alejandro Rivolta 6th Dan
Emanuel Mazzetti 5th Dan
Emanuel Giordano 4thDan
Teresa Parisi 2nd Dan
Manuel Vignola 2nd Dan
Francesco Bianchini 2nd Dan
Simone Pisaniello 2nd Dan
Simone Verza 2nd Dan
Paolo Rollino 2nd Dan
Daniela Fregeneda 4rd Dan
Andres Sacaba 3nd Dan
Edin Saleta 1st Dan
Suwito 4th Dan
Ahmad Riza Gultom 1st Dan
Sutrisno Pujohandoko 2nd Dan
Rahmad Nurhadi 1st Dan
Yudi iswanto 1st Dan
Syaiful Ardhi 1st Dan
Chairus Sabri 1st Dan
Rhino Sofana 1st Dan
Jepri Medrianto 1st Dan
Adharia Saptiti 1st Dan
Hanny Ardelia Cahyaningrum 1st Dan
Rachiesa Yazid Audi 1st Dan
Nurfitria Rahman 1st Dan
Riri Ramadhani 1st Dan
Maharani Zamrud 1st Dan
Harun Hudari 1st Dan
Bambang Andrianto 1st Dan
Dwi Sanjaya 1st Dan
Jordan setiawan 1st Dan
Katsumi Okubo 10th Dan Adviser of Seitokan
Ali Sabra Abeden 7th Dan
Arnaldo Rodrigues da Silva Junior 4th Dan
Asmita Gurug 5th Dan
Indra Bajracharya 5th Dan
Leonardo G. Beroes 4th Dan
Miguel de Alzaa 4th Dan
Ferdinad Federis 4th Dan
Roman Garcia Paredes 6th Dan
Anthony Paredes 4th Dan
Julio Bocanegra 2nd Dan
Lieteh Castillo 1st Dan
Karen Guevara Diaz 1st Dan
Andres Panduro Grandes 1st Dan
Jesika Garcia Chistama 1st Dan
Domingo Quintos 1st Dan
Puerto Rico
Mario Alejandro Charon 7th Dan
Carlos Rodriguez 4th Dan
Sry Lanka
Sensei Ajith Wasantha Abeygunasekara 3rd Dan
Sensei Ajith Wijethunge 2nd Dan
Sensei Wasantha Munasinghe 2nd Dan
Sensei H. A Asoka Thilakaratne 2nd Dan
Sensei Rasika Gayapriya 2nd Dan
Sensei S. K Karunaratne 2nd Dan
S. M. P Kasun Malaka 2nd Dan
M. K. G Roshan 1st Dan
Ranjan Ranasingha 1st Dan
M. K. C P Kumara
Chinthaka Wijesundara 1st Dan
Charith Wijesundara 2nd Dan
M. L Sooriyaarachchi 1st Dan
Sampath Udayakumara 1st Dan
The Shorin-ryu style was broken into several branches: the Shobayashi-ryu ("small forest style"), the Kobayashi-ryu (";young forest style") and the Matsubayashi-ryu ("pine forest style"). All three refer to the small pine forest where the Shaolin Temple was last located, and all three are still interpreted to mean Shorin-ryu or"Shaolin way." Shobayashi, the original style of Shorin-ryu, was taught by one of Itosu's famous students, Chotoku Kiyabu, better known as Chotoku Kyan (1870-1945). Kyan was extremely well-known and revered in Okinawa, and was considered Itosu's greatest student, even though he was second in succession, with Kentsu Yabu (c. 1870- ) having more seniority. Yabu took charge after Itosu's death, but retired shortly afterward, leaving Chotoku Kyan in charge.
Kyan trained quite a few notable students, among them Tatsuo Shimabukuro (the elder brother of Eizo), who also studied under Chojun Miyagi. Kyan also trained Shoshin Nagamine (1907- ), who later developed the Matsubayashi form of Shorin-ryu. It has been stated that Nagamine developed this style himself. He named the stlye after Bushi Matsumura (1797-1889). Nagamine's son Takayoshi has taken over this branch of Shorin-ryu Karate.
Kyan's most noted student is Eizo Shimabukuro. Upon his death, Kyan left Eizo Shimabukuro in charge of the still-unchanged system of Shobayashi Shorin-ryu. Another of Itosu's students, Chosin Chibana (1887-1969), taught Kobayashi-ryu. This system, according to Master Shimabukuro, is the same as Shobayashi-ryu. He states that Master Chibana simply misspelled the term by using incorrect kanji (characters), which changed the pronunciation from "Shobayashi" to "Kobayashi." These two systems of Shorin-ryu are the same today, with the same form and pattern in their kata.
In fact, in the early 1960s, Master Shimabukuro went to Chibana, who was then in his late seventies, to ask Chibana to correct his (Shimabukuro's) kata. Shimabukuro was concerned about the discrepancies gradually emerging in the various Shorin-ryu styles which had begun to proliferate by this time in Okinawa. Shimabukuro was a tenth dan at the time he appealed to Chibana. Out of respect for Chibana, who was Itosu's oldest living student, Shimabukuro removed his red belt and instead wore a white belt while being corrected. This action demonstrated Master Shimabukuro's intense desire to retain the purity of Shorin-ryu. Another oldest of Kyan’s student, Takayoshi Simabukuro (1916), Next to II War in 1950, he emigrated to Huston, USA, where he worked as mechanic and returned to Okinawa in 1987. He didn’t accept degree, and he continued to do the older from, Master Shimabukuro continued to use the Shorin Ryu Shobayashi as name of his system.
Seibukan Shorin-ryu:
Zenpo Shimabukuro Kaicho of the Seibukan shorin-ryu branch of Shorin-ryu. Seibukan Shorin-ryu Karate was developed by Zenryo Shimabukuro after Chotoku Kyan's death in 1945. His dojo opened in 1947. His first students were nephews of his oldest son, Zenpo. It is believed that Zenpo is still teaching Seibukan Shorin-ryu Karate on Okinawa at the Seibukan Dojo. Seibukan means holy art school, and was named because the students minds are developed in a spirtual way- it is not how many students one has, it is how good they are.
Hanshi Katsuya Miyahira (10th Dan) is Kaicho of the Shido Kan branch of Kobayashi Shorin-ryu Karate. After Chosin Chibana's death in 1969 his most senior student was Katsuya Miyahira. Miyahira would become the logical heir to inherit leadership of Kobayashi Shorin-ryu Karate. But seniority doesn't neccassarily make you the heir apparent. As to, who is the rightful heir to Chibana's Kobayashi Shorin-ryu Karate depends on who you talk to. After Chibana's death, the 9th Dan's of Chosin Chibana's dojo all became 10th dan's and started their own subdivided styles.
Shugoro Nakazato (1921- ) became Kaicho of Shorin Ryu Shorin Kan branch of Kobayashi and Katsuya Miyahira became Kaicho of the Shorin Ryu-Shido Kan branch of Kobayashi.
Yuchoku Higa(10th Dan), Founder of Shorin Ryu Kyudokan was born in Naha City, Okinawa in 1910. He was a well known 10th dan in Okinawa and famous as -The Strong fist of Okinawa-, because of the amazing power generated in his punch. He had a strong physique as a warrior because his long time practice in Karate.
Choki Motobu was born in Akahira village from Shuri region, Okinawa. He was son of Motobu Udun, which was a nobleman. Motobu had learnt some of techniques from his family, but, as his elder brother, Choyu, was the one who had the right to continue the martial tradition of the family, he had to look somewhere else the opportunity to study. Choki started to train a lot to makiwara and used to lift heavy rocks in order to gain strength. He proposed himself to become more powerful and good, and he dedicated himself to a series of hard trainings. Soon he became famous with the "Motobu zaru" nickname (Motobu, the monkey), thanks to his agility and speed. He became Anko Itosu's student
There is another form of Shorin-ryu on Okinawa called Matsumura Orthodox.* Some of this style's followers have reportedly changed the name to Sukunai Hayashi. Matsumura Orthodox was supervised by Hohan Soken (b. 1889-1982), who is said to have studied from his uncle Nabe Matsumura, who in turn studied from Soken Matsumura. In 1920 Hohan Soken emigrated to Negro, Argentina, where he worked as a farm laborer. He returned to Okinawa in 1952 and started teaching karate, calling his style Matsumra Orthodox Shorin-ryu.
Hohan Soken not only lived in Argentina, but traveled to Peru and other places. He spoke fluent Spanish. It is known that Kyan Chotoku occasionally traveled with him. Kyan was Soken's training partner under Nabe Matsumura.
Negro, Argentina was an Okinawan trading colony. Okinawa had many of these all over the world. Hohan Soken probably had relatives there because there were many Okinawans living there. We don't know if he would have liked living there for so long without seeing his family. Therefore it is believed he took some family members with him. Who knows if they stayed. One of his student in Argentina was Seikichi Kim, he did not open the Dojo and have given lesson a few student there, Kim have never came to Okinawa.
Hanshi Fusei Kise's Ken Shin Kan a combination of Matsumura Orthodox and Shorinji Kempo ) is reported to have undergone many changes from the original Shorin-ryu. Some branches of Matsumura Orthodox remain more faithful to the original system.
There are others teaching modified forms of Shorin-ryu. But these are by far the most popular on Okinawa with Kobayashi and Shobayashi being virtually unchanged from the age-old origins of the Shorin-ryu style.
A sensitive issue on Okinawa was the question of adopting a unified name: whether to refer to all Okinawan fighting styles in the Kanji, meaning "Chinese hand," or to use the Kanji of karate already used in Japan, which translates as "empty hand." In a meeting of the elite karate masters of Okinawa, who on October 25, 1936, convened to make the decision, this issue was finally settled. Some of the masters and their senior students present at that meeting were: Kyan, Kenstu Yabu, Chomo Hanashiro, Miyagi, Miyashiro, Nakamora, Chibana, Nakatsune and Choki Motobu. It was agreed that karate would be written and referred to in kanji and translated as "empty hand." This interpretation, it was agreed, embraced a much broader and more philosophical meaning than it is generally gramted.
That is a small resume of Shorin Ryu History, and we know that so many others Grand Master of Shorin Ryu are not mentioned in this article, I want to apologized about it.
In 2010 Sensei Santiago Sacaba with the sopport to Soke Katsumi Okubo 10th Dan open the Shorin Ryu Seitokan, the union of Kobayashi amd Matsumura Seito to respect to the roof of Shorin Ryu
Miyagi Takeshi Hanshi, started to teaching in 1955, he was 20 years old, in his own Dojo, and on June 28, 2004, Miyahira Katsuya promoted him to Judan (10th Dan)
In 2017 I began to train and studied, and in that moment I am senpai his Dojo, and representative in Europa and South America. That is a grand honor to me.
Hanshi 10th Dan Santiago Sacaba